21 Nautical Miles Seafood Bar is a high class Asian fusion restaurant, primarily featuring seafood in an authentic marine style. Newly opened in May 2016, it is Vancouver’s one and only Chinese style contemporary restaurant.
21 Nautical Miles Seafood Bar creates a marine-like atmosphere with surprises for customers to be a part of: seatings on boat; slide show of fishes on the ground, and the best yet to come: a primitive, eye opening way of how our signature fresh seafood dishes served and taken. You’d better wear this amusing crab figured aprons!
21海里是一家以海鲜为主打的高级亚洲融合餐厅,座落于温哥华down town 美食云集的耶鲁镇Hamilton 街1257号,开业于2016年4月,也是这里唯一一家中国风的创意餐厅。整间餐厅设计感超强,时尚典雅大气的氛围下,又带有浓浓的中国传统民族元素。
21海里从装修、装盘到用餐方式上,都呈现出原汁原味的海洋风情,无论是室外的几艘大船,还是进门处投射在地板上的鱼,或是把一桶海鲜热腾腾的海鲜倒在桌 子上的新颖用餐方式,又或是给每个顾客佩戴上螃蟹图案的围兜,都让顾客在惊喜之余,生出一种回归深海的错觉。除了主打海鲜,这里还有各种烧烤小吃,热辣鲜 香,绝对的美味搭配。21海里,不仅是温哥华全新的品尝海鲜圣地,更是您聚会的新选择。